Remedies and Mantra to protect Rahu. 

Remedy to Protect from Rahu 


Donate Black Sesame Seeds (Til) on Saturdays 

Benefits of Donating Black Sesame Seeds: 

  1. Pacifies Rahu’s Influence: Donating black sesame seeds on Saturdays is an effective way to appease Rahu and reduce its malefic effects in your life. 
  1. Removes Obstacles and Delays: This remedy helps clear obstacles and delays in career, health, and relationships caused by Rahu’s adverse placement. 

Mantra to Protect from Rahu 


“Om Rahave Namah” 

Benefits of Chanting this Mantra: 

  1. Reduces Malefic Effects of Rahu: This mantra helps mitigate the negative impacts of Rahu in your horoscope, easing difficulties in personal and professional life. 

2. Enhances Focus and Clarity: Chanting this mantra regularly improves mental clarity, focus, and decision-making abilities, helping to counter Rahu’s confusing influence. 

3. Protects Against Illusions and Deception: Rahu is known for causing illusions and misunderstandings; chanting this mantra provides protection from deceit and misjudgments. 

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