How to Do Rishi Panchami Vrat

Rishi Panchami Vrat is a special fast observed on the fifth day (Panchami) of the bright half of the Bhadrapada month to honor the seven great sages (Sapta Rishis) and seek their blessings. This fast is believed to help in cleansing sins from past lives and is especially significant for women. 

Here is an easy step-by-step guide to observing Rishi Panchami Vrat: 

1. Get Ready for the Fast 

  • Choose the Right Date: Rishi Panchami falls on the fifth day of the bright fortnight in the Bhadrapada month. Check the date in a calendar. 
  • Take a Bath: Bathe early in the morning, preferably in a river, or use water mixed with a few drops of Ganga Jal (holy water from the Ganges) at home. 
  • Wear Fresh Clothes: Put on clean, preferably white clothes, to symbolize purity. 

2. Prepare the Worship Area 

  • Clean the Area: Clean a small space in your home for the puja (prayer). Place a wooden platform and cover it with a clean cloth. 
  • Set Up the Idols: Place pictures or idols of the Sapta Rishis (seven sages), Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Saraswati on the platform. 

3. Do the Puja (Prayer) 

  • Start the Puja: Light a lamp and incense sticks. Pray to Lord Ganesha first to remove any obstacles, then to the seven sages and Goddess Saraswati. 
  • Make Offerings: Offer fruits, flowers, grains, and food prepared with rice and milk. 
  • Chant Prayers: Read the story of Rishi Panchami Vrat and chant mantras (holy chants) dedicated to the sages for peace and blessings. 

4. Observe the Fast 

  • Choose Your Fasting Method: You can fast completely without food or water (Nirjala) or have fruits, milk, and light food as per your capacity. 
  • Avoid Certain Foods: Do not eat grains, onions, garlic, or root vegetables like potatoes. 

5. End the Fast 

  • Finish with Aarti: Conclude the puja with an Aarti (devotional song) and distribute prasad (sacred food) to family members. 
  • Break the Fast: Break your fast the next morning after praying. 

6. Give Charity 

  • Donate food, clothes, or money to those in need, as it is an important part of the vrat. 

By following these simple steps, you can observe Rishi Panchami Vrat with devotion and seek the blessings of the seven great sages. 

Mantras to Chant on Rishi Panchami 

Chanting mantras during Rishi Panchami Vrat is considered highly auspicious and helps invoke the blessings of the seven great sages (Sapta Rishis). Here are a few simple mantras to chant: 

1. Sapta Rishi Mantra 

This mantra is dedicated to the seven sages. Chanting it brings peace, spiritual growth, and the removal of sins. 


“ऋषय: सप्तपुत्राश्च सप्तकुलपुरोहिताः। 

सप्तजन्मार्जितं पापं सप्तऋषीणां प्रसीदतु।” 


The seven sages are the spiritual guides of seven generations. May all the sins accumulated in seven lifetimes be forgiven by the blessings of the Sapta Rishis. 

2. Rishi Panchami Prarthana Mantra 

This prayer seeks the blessings of the sages and asks for forgiveness for any mistakes made unknowingly. 


“यच्च कीर्तिं महर्षीणां वर्धते मम शाश्वतीम्। 

पापानि सर्वणि नश्यन्तु सप्तरिष्यस्य पूजनात्॥” 


May the glory of the great sages always grow and may all my sins be destroyed through the worship of the Sapta Rishis. 

3. Gayatri Mantra 

The Gayatri Mantra is a universal prayer that can be chanted for spiritual purification and peace. 


“ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः 


भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि 

धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥” 


We meditate on the divine light of the creator who is worthy of worship; may He inspire and guide our intellect. 

4. Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha Mantra 

Chanting this mantra helps one focus on the story of Rishi Panchami and understand its significance. 


“ऋषिपञ्चमी व्रतं तुयं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम्। 

तत्कथायाः श्रवणेना सुतार्य मम कृतम्॥” 


May the Rishi Panchami Vrat destroy all my sins, and may I benefit from listening to the story of this vrat. 

How to Chant These Mantras 

  • Early Morning: Begin chanting in the early morning after a holy bath. 
  • Number of Repetitions: Chant each mantra at least 11 or 21 times for better focus and connection. 
  • Concentration: Sit calmly, close your eyes, and focus on the meaning of the mantras while chanting. 

Chant these mantras with devotion and faith to receive the blessings of the Sapta Rishis on Rishi Panchami. 

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