Day 8 – Mahagauri( महागौरी) Mantra


  • “ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नमः॥” 
  • Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah 


Salutation to the goddess of purity and peace. 

Benefits of Mahagauri Mantra:

Here are the benefits of chanting the Mahagauri mantra:

  1. Enhances Purity and Compassion: Helps purify the mind and fills it with compassion and positivity.
  2. Removes Obstacles: Clears obstacles in personal and professional life, leading to success and growth.
  3. Fosters Inner Peace: Promotes mental peace, reduces stress, and brings calmness.
  4. Improves Relationships: Strengthens relationships by promoting love, harmony, and understanding.
  5. Increases Spiritual Growth: Supports spiritual awakening and aligns one with divine energy.
  6. Bestows Prosperity: Attracts prosperity, wealth, and overall well-being.
  7. Enhances Beauty and Radiance: Believed to bring physical beauty and radiance to those who chant regularly.

Chanting with devotion can help one experience these benefits in daily life.

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