Shri Hanumat Vadavaanala Stotram
We have tried to give you the transcription of the every word of this stotra into English. Please hear the Stotra at a slow speed and at the same time try to pronounce by seeing the transcription.
This Stotra helps to invoke Lord Hamuman and seek help from his angelic powers when you are attacked by evil energies.
Shri Ganeshaaya Namaahaa
Om asya Shri Hanumaan Vadvaanal Stotra Mantrasya
Shri Ramachandra Rushhi
Shri Vadvaanal Hanumaan Devataa
Mama Samasta Roga prashamanaartham SitaRamachandra prthyartham
HanumanVadvanal Stotra japam Aham karishye
Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate Pragatparaakram
Sakaldig Mandal Yashotavitaana DhavalkrutJagatritaya VajraDeha
Rudraavataara Lankaapur Dahana UmaaAmala Mantra Udadhi Bandhana
DashaShiraha Krutaantaka SitaSwasana Vaayuputra AnjaniGarbhaSambhuta
ShriRaama LaxmaNaananadkara KapiSainyapraakaara Sugrvasahaahya
RaNapartotpaaTana kumaarBrahmachaarin Gabrnaada
SarvaPaapaGarhaVaaraNa Sarvajvarochhaatana DaakinVidhanvasana
Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Mahaavravraaya Sarvadhu:kha Nivaaranaaya
Graha Mandala SarvaBhoota Mandal SarvapishaachaMandalochchatana
Boota Jwara Ekaahika Jwara Dwayaahika Jwara Tryaahika Jwara
Chaaturthika Jwara Santaapa Jwara Vishama Jwara Taapa Jwara
MaaheSvara VaiSnavaJwarana Chhindhi Chhindhi YakshabrahmaRakshasa
Boota Preta Pishaachaan Uchchaataya Uchchaataya
Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate
Om Rhaam Rhim Rhum Rhaim Rhaha Aam Haam Haam Haam Oum Soum Ehi Ehi
Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham
Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate ShrvanChakshu Bhutaanaam
ShaakinDaakinnaama VishamaDushTaanaama Sarvavisham Hara Hara
Aakaasha Bhuvanam Bhedaya Bhedaya Chedaya Chedaya Maaraya Maaraya
Shoshaya Shoshaya Mohaya Mohaya Jwaalaya Jwaalaya
Prahaaraya Prahaaraya SakalMaayaam Bhedaya Bhedaya
Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate
Sarva GrahochchaaTana Parabalam Kshobhaya Kshobhaya
Sakal Bandhana MokshaNam kuru kuru
ShiraShula GulamaShula SarvaShulaana Nirmulaya Nirmulaya
Naagapaashaanata Vaasuki Takshaka Karkotaka Kaaliyaan
Yakshakula Jalagata Bilagat Raatrinchara Divaachara Sarvaan Nirvishan Kuru kuru Swaha
RaajaBhaya ChoraBhaya ParaMantra ParaYantra ParaTrantra ParaVidyaan Chedaya Chedaya
SwaMantra SwaYantra SwaTantra SwaVidyaaha PrakaTaya PrakaTaya
SarvaarishTaan Naashaya Naashaya
SarvaShatrun Naashaya Naashaya
asaadhyam Saadhaya Saadhaya
Hum Fat Swaahaa
Iti BibhshaNa Krutam HanumatVadavaanala Stotram SampooraNam
Shri Hanuman Vadvanal Stotra Meaning:
This stotra is in Sanskrit and it is creation of Vibhishana- Ravana’s brother. Initially this stotra starts with praise of shri Hanuman admiring his virtues and describing his tremendous power. Then very wisely, God Hanuman is requested by the devotee to remove all the diseases, bad health and all sorts of troubles from the life. Further God Hanuman is requested to protect from all sorts of fear, trouble and make us free from all evil things. Finally God Hanuman is requested to give the blessing, success Sound Health and everything we ask from him.
This stotra is very auspicious and powerful. Anybody reciting this stotra daily at least once; with full concentration, devotion and unshakable faith in mind, receives all the good things in life as described above. Please have a faith.
Following is the translation to understand the meaning of this Stotra
1) This Hanuman Vadvanal Stotra Starts with bowing to God Ganesha. The rishi of this stotra is Ramchandra, Devata (god) of the stotra is Shri Vadvalal Hanuman. I recite this Hanuman Vadvanal stotra for curing all my diseases.
2) Now starts the praise of God Hanuman. He is victorious in all directions. He is victorious in all the three worlds (Patala, Prithavi and Swarga). He has very strong body (Vajra deha). He was the one who set Lanka on fire. Ravana feared Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman knows Uma amala Mantra. He looks like a very big and giant cloud having water in it. He is son of Wind and Anjani is his mother. He was a true devotee of God Rama and Laxman. He helped Sugriva by being leader of Monkey-army. At the time of war with Ravana’s army, he threw hills, mountains on the enemy’s army. He is Brahmachary. He can destroy bad effects of the Grahas, He can destroy all type of diseases causing because of high body temperature. He makes us free from all sorts of troubles, however serious may be. He can destroy demons.
3) I bow to God Hanuman who is very powerful and strong and seek his blessings and request him to release my sorrows. He makes Graha Mandal, All living beings, free from all Demons, Ghosts.etc. Any trouble from demonic energies are removed by him. Hence I request him to set me free from all types of dangers. I request him to destroy ghosts, demons and evil energies.
4) I bow and surrender to Shri God Hanuman.
5) This is the Bija Mantra. Om Rhaam Rhim Rhum Rhaim Rhaha Aam Haam Haam Haam Oum Soum Ehi Ehi Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham.
6) I request him to remove all type of poison or attacks from Demons, Ghosts and other evil energies.
7) Oh! God Hanuman please beat ugly things that are in the sky, destroy them for me and make me free from their danger. I bow to God Hanuman and request him to make me free from the troubles of the malefic planets. Please make me free from all types of bondages.
9) Please make me free from headache, body ache and from all sorrows. Please make me free from NagBandhan of Anant, Vasuki, Takshaka, Kaliyan and karkotak (the names of renowned big serpants from Naga Loka). Yaksha, the creatures live in Water, The creatures that are under soil, the creatures that move in the night, the creatures that move in the day. All of them are poisonous and troublesome to me, hence O! God Hanuman please remove there poison. Make them harmless.
10) Please remove my fear from any negative person, thieves, and also fear from enemy’s weapon, Mantra and trantra and destroy them.
11) Please give me knowledge (SwaMantra SwaYantra SwaTantra SwaVidyaaha PrakaTaya PrakaTaya) to develop all good qualities in myself.
12) Please destroy all my troubles and difficulties.
13) Please destroy all my enemies.
14) Please give me knowledge, power and energy to convert all impossible into possible.
15) Hum Fat Swaahaa.