Remedy and mantra to protect planet moon 

Remedy to Protect the Moon: 

Remedy: Offer Milk to Shiva Linga 


  1. Balances Emotions: Offering milk to Shiva helps calm the mind and balance emotional disturbances associated with a weak Moon. 
  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: This practice brings mental peace, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of calmness. 
  1. Improves Intuition and Clarity: Strengthens your intuition and mental clarity by soothing the Moon’s energy in your chart. 
  1. Enhances Inner Strength: It enhances mental resilience, helping you deal with emotional ups and downs. 

Mantra for Moon Protection: 

Mantra: “Om Som Somaya Namah” 


  1. Emotional Balance: Helps in stabilizing emotions, reducing mood swings, and promoting mental calmness. 
  1. Improves Mental Well-being: Supports mental health by enhancing concentration and reducing mental fatigue. 
  1. Strengthens Relationships: Promotes harmony and understanding in relationships by enhancing your emotional intelligence. 
  1. Boosts Inner Peace and Tranquility: Brings inner peace, reduces anxiety, and enhances your overall sense of well-being. 

These practices are powerful in protecting and enhancing the Moon’s positive influence in your life, bringing emotional stability, mental peace, and nurturing relationships. 

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