World Mental Health Week

We do hear the term “Mental Health” a lot these days.

Are we aware of what exactly it means?

Even if we are aware of our mental health issues, we don’t talk about it openly because of the stigma associated with the mind.

People with mental illness face both the challenge of the disease and other’s judgments about it. There is not only public stigma, but there is also self-stigmatization. Self-stigmatization is an obstacle in the way of personal development. ​

Mental health doesn’t mean we are mental. But it also doesn’t even mean we are okay. It is a subject that focuses on specific symptoms like anxiety, depression, loneliness, hatred, and fear. The roots of Mental Health go deeper and are based upon our thoughts, behavior, patterns, and responses to daily life situations.

We face a situation in our life, which triggers a particular thought process within us. These thoughts may be happy, rejecting, hateful, suicidal, or related to inferiority, phobia, depression, or failure, which triggers specific behaviors and responses. The response could be shouting, panicking, anxiety, fight, or flight. This chain reaction that is triggered then reaches the physical level; we begin to see symptoms such as shaking legs, throbbing heart, burning sensation, sweating, and changed breathing patterns. It becomes a vicious cycle. Our thoughts impact our feelings, while our feelings affect our behavior, and these actions get reinforced in the brain and create new neural pathways for reflexes and responses.

It is easy and dangerous at the same time to get caught in this negative cycle. Once stuck in it, we go down the rabbit hole where we lose control of ourselves, or we get lost in the web of fantasies, both of which are not good for our mental health.

Remember, Mental health + Physical Health = Good Health.

If we are physically fit but mentally ill, we won’t enjoy the fruits of a healthy life and vice-versa. Both go hand-in-hand, and both are important to enjoy a good healthy life. The lifestyle we adopt is the central pointer in controlling our mental and physical health.

We like the fast-forward way of living. We have stopped savoring simple moments with joy. We are always in a hurry to complete everything. We eat hurriedly, bathe hastily and do pretty much everything like a robot. And then we seek to find solace in electronic gadgets and health-deteriorating pastimes rather than spending time with living people around us. We are attached to reel life against real life. It is because we relate to the stories and fantasies more than we do with our actual lives.

A healthy mind gives rise to good thoughts. The quality of ideas determines our mental health. When we ignore these factors and lose the real connection with ourselves, it causes many side effects and gives rise to various psychosomatic illnesses.

Let’s start making wise choices in every aspect of life starting today.

What can we do?

For one, we can start concentrating on healthy nutrition, daily exercise, more family-time, extra-curricular activities along with our routine work. Then things will already begin to get better.

Some of the examples of Mental Illness are :​
1. Anxiety​
2. Depression​
3. Eating Disorders​
4. Psychotic Disorders
5. Schizophrenia​
6. Post-traumatic stress.
7. Postpartum depression
8. Bipolar disorders, ADHD and OCD​

Where do we see ourselves a few years from now?
Yes, I am talking about mental health.

If you cannot vouch for good mental health a few years from now, it is necessary to act now and act soon.

In addition to allopathy, many traditional and complementary therapies, such as Reiki Healing, Angel Healing, Art Therapy, Acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, and more, help treat the mind and restore your balance. There are miraculous results with these therapies, and they can be combined with standard medical treatments. Some of these therapies support noninvasive surgeries, which are as beneficial as medical surgeries. They make us feel relaxed and comfortable and help in faster recovery.

LovenHeal brings experts from all areas of complementary therapies together, on one platform. If you are interested to know more, send us an inquiry, LovenHeal team would be happy to take it further. You can also request healing sessions, get enrolled in our sessions, or even learn these therapies. Feel free to go through our Events page to get more insights on the latest happenings.


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