
Orange carnelian bracelet

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

Orange carnelian bracelets are not only beautiful accessories but are also believed to have various metaphysical and healing properties. Here are some common uses and benefits associated with wearing an orange carnelian bracelet:

  1. Energy and Motivation: Orange carnelian is often associated with creativity, motivation, and courage. Wearing this bracelet can help boost your energy levels and inspire you to take action.
  2. Confidence: It is said to enhance self-confidence and self-esteem. Wearing the bracelet can be a reminder to believe in yourself and your abilities.
  3. Creativity: Many people use orange carnelian to stimulate their creative energies. It is believed to help with artistic pursuits and problem-solving.
  4. Emotional Balance: Carnelian is thought to help balance emotions, particularly by calming anger and dispelling negativity. Wearing the bracelet can promote a sense of well-being.
  5. Vitality: It is said to improve physical vitality and stamina. People who need an extra boost of energy may wear a carnelian bracelet to help with endurance.
  6. Sacral Chakra: In traditional healing practices like crystal therapy, orange carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra. Wearing a carnelian bracelet may help balance and open this chakra, which is linked to emotions, creativity, and sexuality.
  7. Protection: Some believe that carnelian provides protection against negative energies, including envy and psychic attacks.
  8. Fertility: In certain cultures, carnelian has been associated with fertility and is believed to support reproductive health.
  9. Motivation for Weight Loss: Some individuals wear orange carnelian bracelets as a motivation tool for weight loss and healthy living due to its association with energy and self-discipline.
  10. Meditation: Carnelian can be used as a meditation aid, helping to focus the mind and balance energy during meditation sessions.
  11. Fashion Accessory: Beyond its metaphysical properties, an orange carnelian bracelet can be a stylish and vibrant accessory that complements various outfits and occasions.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of carnelian, or any other crystal, in providing these benefits is subjective and based on individual beliefs. If you choose to use carnelian for its metaphysical properties, make sure to cleanse and charge the crystal regularly, as well as set your own intentions for what you want to achieve.


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