
पूर्वजांकडून काही शाप किंवा दुष्कृत्य होते का? 

कधी कधी, आपल्याला असं वाटतं की जीवनातील काही नमुने किंवा आव्हानं पिढी दर पिढी पासून आपल्याकडे आले आहेत. यामुळे आपल्याला विचार येतो की आपल्या पूर्वजांकडून काही शाप किंवा दुष्कृत्य आहे का जे आज आपल्यावर प्रभाव टाकत आहे. असं वाटणं नैसर्गिक आहे, पण महत्वाचं म्हणजे समजून घेणं, दोषारोप करणे नाही.  कुठलेही संभाव्य प्रभाव उघड करण्याचा सर्वोत्तम […]

पूर्वजांकडून काही शाप किंवा दुष्कृत्य होते का?  Read More »

Was There Any Curse or Malefic Behavior from Ancestors? 

Sometimes, we may feel like certain patterns or challenges in life have been passed down from generation to generation. This can lead us to wonder if there was any curse or malefic behavior from our ancestors affecting us today. While it’s natural to feel this way, the key is to seek understanding, not blame.  The

Was There Any Curse or Malefic Behavior from Ancestors?  Read More »

वृक्ष रेखाटणे – नाव माहित होईपर्यंत 

जीवन वृक्ष रेखाटण्यासारखे आहे—कधी कधी आपण माहित नसताना सुरूवात करतो की ते कुठे नेईल. हा विचार आपल्या पूर्वजांशी असलेल्या संबंधावर सुंदरपणे लागू होतो. आपल्याला त्यांच्या सर्व नावांची किंवा कहाण्यांची माहिती नसली तरी, आपण त्यांच्या वारशाचा सन्मान करू शकतो. आपण रेखाटलेल्या प्रत्येक शाखा त्या व्यक्तींच्या कनेक्शनचे प्रतिनिधित्व करते जे आपल्याआधी आले आहेत, जे आपल्याला शांतपणे मार्गदर्शन

वृक्ष रेखाटणे – नाव माहित होईपर्यंत  Read More »

Recurring Family Patterns: How They Shape Us and Our Lives

Family patterns are behaviors, beliefs, or issues that repeat across generations. These patterns can include communication styles, ways of handling emotions, or recurring challenges like financial difficulties, relationship struggles, or even health problems. Reflecting on these recurring patterns is key to understanding how they may have affected you and your current life. How Recurring Family

Recurring Family Patterns: How They Shape Us and Our Lives Read More »

Unhealed Memories: How They Affect Us and How to Heal Them

Unhealed memories are past events that still bother us because we haven’t dealt with them completely. These memories, especially from painful or difficult times, stay in our minds and affect how we feel and act today. How Unhealed Memories Affect Us Why Healing Unhealed Memories Matters Healing unhealed memories is important for our well-being. If

Unhealed Memories: How They Affect Us and How to Heal Them Read More »

Visualize Your Ancestors Standing with You in a Circle: A Powerful Practice

Connecting with your ancestors can provide you with strength, guidance, and a deep sense of belonging. A simple yet profound way to tap into this energy is through visualization. Imagine all your ancestors standing with you in a circle, offering their support and wisdom. Here’s how to practice this powerful technique. Step 1: Visualize the

Visualize Your Ancestors Standing with You in a Circle: A Powerful Practice Read More »

Introduction to Ancestral Karma

Ancestral karma refers to the belief that the actions, behaviors, and unresolved issues of our ancestors can influence our present lives. According to this concept, just as we inherit physical traits, we also carry the karmic energy of our lineage, which may affect our relationships, health, prosperity, and personal growth. What is Ancestral Karma? Karma,

Introduction to Ancestral Karma Read More »

Remedies and Mantra to protect Rahu. 

Remedy to Protect from Rahu  Remedy:  Donate Black Sesame Seeds (Til) on Saturdays  Benefits of Donating Black Sesame Seeds:  Mantra to Protect from Rahu  Mantra:  “Om Rahave Namah”  Benefits of Chanting this Mantra:  2. Enhances Focus and Clarity: Chanting this mantra regularly improves mental clarity, focus, and decision-making abilities, helping to counter Rahu’s confusing influence. 

Remedies and Mantra to protect Rahu.  Read More »

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