
आषाढ अमावास्या: करावे आणि टाळावे असे काही काम 

आषाढ अमावास्या, हिंदू कॅलेंडरमध्ये आषाढ महिन्याच्या (जून-जुलै) नवीन चंद्राचा दिवस, हा एक अध्यात्मिक आणि धार्मिक महत्त्वाचा दिवस आहे. योग्य आचरणांचे पालन केल्याने या दिवसाच्या शुभतेत वाढ होऊ शकते. येथे काही करावे आणि टाळावे असे काम दिले आहेत:  करावे:  टाळावे:  या करावे आणि टाळावे अशा कामांचे पालन करून, भक्त आषाढ अमावास्येच्या आध्यात्मिक आणि शुभ ऊर्जांचा अधिक […]

आषाढ अमावास्या: करावे आणि टाळावे असे काही काम  Read More »

No Moon Ancestral Healing and Remedies

Amavasya, also known as the No Moon Day holds significant importance in various cultures andspiritual practices. In Hinduism, Amavasya is considered a powerful day for ancestral healingand performing specific remedies to honor and seek blessings from our ancestors. This blogexplores the significance of Amavasya, how ancestral healing works, and the remediespracticed on this auspicious day.

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Embracing the Spiritual Essence of Darsha Amavasya: Significance, Rituals, and Tips for Observance

Embracing the Spiritual Essence of Darsha Amavasya: Significance, Rituals, and Tips for Observance

Darsha Amavasya is a special day in Hindu tradition that happens every new moon. It’s a time filled with spiritual significance, offering a chance for deep reflection, renewal, and devotion. Let’s explore why Darsha Amavasya is important, what rituals are performed, and how you can observe it meaningfully. Why Darsha Amavasya is Important Darsha Amavasya,

Embracing the Spiritual Essence of Darsha Amavasya: Significance, Rituals, and Tips for Observance Read More »

Understanding Amavasya: Significance and Remedies

Introduction: Amavasya, a key part of Hindu traditions, isn’t just about darkness; it’s a time forrenewal and introspection, offering spiritual rejuvenation amidst its mysterious aura.Let’s uncover its profound meanings and learn how to embrace its benefits whileaddressing any misconceptions. Understanding Amavasya: Amavasya, often called the New Moon day, happens when the Moon disappears fromview in

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