
Green Jade Gua Sha

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹599.00.

Green jade gua sha is often used for facial rejuvenation and skincare. The gentle scraping motion of the tool on the skin helps stimulate blood circulation, promoting a healthy glow and improved skin tone. It can help reduce puffiness, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten the facial muscles. 

Using a green jade gua sha tool can offer several benefits due to the unique properties of the jade stone. Here are some potential benefits of using a green jade gua sha:

  1. Facial Rejuvenation: Green jade gua sha is often used for facial rejuvenation and skincare. The gentle scraping motion of the tool on the skin helps stimulate blood circulation, promoting a healthy glow and improved skin tone. It can help reduce puffiness, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten the facial muscles.
  2. Lymphatic Drainage: Green jade gua sha can assist in promoting lymphatic drainage, aiding in the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the face. It helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, reducing puffiness and enhancing the overall detoxification process.
  3. Calming and Cooling: Green jade is known for its soothing and cooling properties. Using a green jade gua sha tool can help calm inflammation and reduce redness, making it beneficial for individuals with sensitive or irritated skin. 
  4. Stress Relief: The gentle pressure and coolness of the green jade stone can have a calming effect on the mind and body. 
  5. Balance and Harmony: Green jade is associated with balance and harmony, both physically and energetically. Using a green jade gua sha tool can help balance the energy flow in the face and release stagnant energy, promoting a sense of equilibrium and inner peace.
  6. Enhanced Product Absorption: Gua sha can improve the absorption of skincare products. When using a green jade gua sha tool, the massaging action helps to stimulate the skin and improve product penetration, maximizing the benefits of serums, oils, and moisturizers.
  7. Crystal Healing Properties: Green jade is believed to have various healing properties, including promoting abundance, harmony, and emotional well-being.Using Green jade Gua sha can allow you to connect with the crystal’s energy and experience its potential healing effects.

    It’s important to note that the specific benefits experienced may vary from person to person. Consistency and proper technique are essential for obtaining optimal results. When using a green jade gua sha tool, remember to apply gentle pressure, use appropriate angles, and follow the natural contours of your face.


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