
Aura Lava Bracelet

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

Aura lava bracelets are a type of jewelry made with lava beads and are often associated with metaphysical and spiritual beliefs. Lava beads are porous and can absorb and diffuse essential oils, making them popular for aromatherapy and meditation practices. Here are some common uses and benefits associated with Aura lava bracelets:

  1. Aromatherapy: Lava beads can absorb essential oils, allowing you to carry the scent with you throughout the day. Simply apply a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to the lava beads, and the scent can last for several hours.
  2. Stress Reduction: The soothing scent of essential oils can help reduce stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy can be a calming and grounding practice, and the portable nature of lava bracelets makes it easy to access the benefits of essential oils on the go.
  3. Meditation and Mindfulness: Many people wear lava bracelets during meditation or mindfulness practices. The tactile sensation of the lava beads and the calming aroma of essential oils can enhance the meditative experience.
  4. Energy and Healing: In some belief systems, different gemstones and crystals are thought to have specific healing or energy-enhancing properties. Lava beads may be combined with other gemstones on the bracelet to provide a combination of benefits.
  5. Personal Expression: Aura lava bracelets are often chosen for their aesthetic appeal. They can be a stylish and personalized accessory that also aligns with one’s spiritual or holistic beliefs.

It’s essential to note that the effectiveness of aura lava bracelets may vary from person to person, and the benefits largely depend on personal beliefs and experiences. If you decide to use aura lava bracelets, it’s a good idea to choose essential oils and gemstones that resonate with your goals and intentions.


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