- A glass of warm water in the morning helps you lose weight: Many believe that consuming warm water on an empty stomach is a cure for excess weight. People believe that hot water dissolves fat, but the truth is that fat does not dissolve in water.
- Switching sugar with honey will aid weight loss: It is agreed that honey has many therapeutic and curative powers, but it does not cure obesity.
- Bananas are fattening: This is the most misunderstood fruit and has calories as much as any other fruit. Also, they are an excellent source of potassium. They are filling and helps in resolving constipation.
- Standing while eating burns more calories: We tend to eat more while standing. Its recommended to sit and eat unless circumstances demand otherwise.
- Skipping breakfast is good during weight loss: Let’s not skip breakfast, or else we tend to overeat in our next meal. After dinner, our body is in the fasting state, and the next morning, when we wake up, our body needs energy for the day.
- Potatoes are fattening: It’s safer to consume potatoes over bread or refined carbohydrates. Let us eat boiled potatoes rather than fried ones.
- Saunas help shed kilos: We feel rejuvenated and great sitting in a sauna, but one session is merely water loss. Once the fluids have been replenished, your weight comes back to normal.
- Eat plenty of green leafy veggies, fruits, and whole grains.
- Drink plenty of water. This will keep us off hunger. Sometimes, what we often think of as hunger is, in fact, thirst.
- We need to watch the nutrients that we consume. Divide your entire day’s plate into four quarters. We can fill more than half of our plate with veggies and fruits. The remaining could be balanced between dairy, beans, or cereals.
- We go for small frequent meals instead of typical 3 square meals, i.e., breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ideally, consume some food after every 2.5 to 3 hours.
- Let’s have a colorful meal. Choose foods with colorful veggies and fruits and make your plate look attractive.
- Eat your meals mindfully and chew thoroughly. This will help in portion control, better digestion, and reduces the chances of overeating.
- Let’s satisfy our sweet tooth and not feel guilty. We can choose a sweet, like candy or peppermint, which will last in your mouth for some time and tastes heavenly. Take a small bite of any high-calorie sweet loaded with sugar and fat. Remember, the taste is what you want, not the calories.
- Treat yourselves to some sweets or fried foods at breakfast time as our metabolism is more active during this time of the day. Plus, we get an entire day to burn off the extra calories.
- Sleep deprivation can cause us to snack unnecessarily. Have a good rest and sleep for weight moderation/maintenance.
- Focus on deep breathing into your stomach and not just your chest. Oxygen is one key to lose weight, as fat burns in the flame of oxygen. We need equal time to exhale to eliminate toxins from the body.
- Don’t miss your daily workout. If you don’t have the luxury of time, try and be active for at least 20 minutes per day, as it’s always said that a little workout is better than no workout.
- Let’s reward ourselves. It’s proven that when you have something to look forward to at the end of each milestone, it automatically helps to mentally and emotionally shorten the cycle of long-term success.
- Let’s set a realistic target and do not dream of a zero figure. It will boost our confidence once we achieve that realistic goal.
- When tempted to reach out for that forbidden snack, before satisfying your taste buds, try this fundamental trick and take a deep breath & count to 100. Usually, by the time you finish counting to 100, your craving would have vanished
- Chocolate craving is the most addictive of all. Next time you feel like eating a bar of chocolate, take a whiff of a strong perfume. It eases the craving.
- Here is another surprise! Pinch your ear to lose your appetite! Reflexologists believe that pinching your ear will curb cravings and reduce your appetite.
- Always be motivated! Think thin and fit. Imagine yourself with the ideal weight you would like to be or the clothes you would like to fit in. Also, picture how others will react to you at your new weight and look. Enjoy the feelings that these thoughts will evoke, as they will keep you motivated for the long run!