
3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Solid Comebacks

3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Solid Comebacks

Some zodiac signs have a natural ability to bounce back stronger after setbacks. Whether it’s overcoming personal challenges, career struggles, or emotional hardships, these signs exhibit resilience and determination that inspire everyone around them. Let’s explore three zodiac signs known for their solid comebacks and how they achieve this remarkable strength. 1. Scorpio (October 23 […]

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Why Margashirsha is Celebrated

Why Margashirsha is Celebrated?

Margashirsha, also known as Agrahayana, is the ninth month of the Hindu lunar calendar. This month holds immense religious and spiritual significance and is celebrated for its connection to Lord Krishna, prosperity, and auspicious rituals. Here’s a detailed explanation of why Margashirsha is celebrated: 1. Significance of Margashirsha in Scriptures 2. Spiritual Importance 3. Seasonal

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How can we make our planet moon 🌙 strong

How can we make our planet moon 🌙 strong ?

Making our planet “moon strong” is an imaginative way of asking how we might make Earth resilient, sustainable, and adaptable—perhaps like the Moon in its steadfastness, endurance, and ability to “stand alone” in a vast space. Here are some areas we could focus on to strengthen Earth’s resilience: 1. Environmental Resilience: Tackle climate change by

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Do you also experience goosebumps during puja ? Why ?

Do you also experience goosebumps during puja ? Why ?

The sensation of goosebumps during pooja or spiritual practices can be quite complex, combining physiological, psychological, and even spiritual factors. Here’s a deeper look into why this may happen: 1. Emotional and Psychological Impact Sense of Awe and Devotion: Experiencing a sense of awe, reverence, or deep devotion can activate the limbic system, which is

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Do you want to permanently remove negativity from your life

If you’re looking to reduce negativity and invite positivity into your life, here are some remedies that are widely recommended in spiritual and wellness practices. They focus on clearing mental and environmental negativity and creating lasting positive energy: 1. Regular Space Cleansing Burn Incense or Sage: Burning sage, palo santo, or sandalwood incense can cleanse

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जानिए कब है छठ पूजा?

हर साल छठ पूजा दिवाली से 6 दिन बाद की जाती है. पंचांग के अनुसार, इस वर्ष कार्तिक माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की षष्ठी तिथि 7 नवंबर की देररात 12 बजकर 41 मिनट पर शुरू होगी और इसका समापन 8 नवंबर की देररात 12 बजकर 34 मिनट पर हो जाएगा. ऐसे में 7 नवंबर, गुरुवार

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Guru Pushya Yoga on 24th October: A Day of Auspicious Beginnings

Guru Pushya Yoga is a highly auspicious time according to Vedic astrology, when the combination of Jupiter (Guru) and the Pushya Nakshatra (the star of nourishment) creates an excellent muhurta (time) for undertaking important tasks. The next Guru Pushya Yoga falls on 24th October 2024, marking a significant period for spiritual and material prosperity. What

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करवा चौथ के दिन इस मंत्र का जाप जरूर करें:

“नमस्त्यै शिवायै शर्वाण्यै सौभाग्यं संतति शुभा,प्रयच्छ भक्तियुक्तानां नारीणां हरवल्लभे” इस मंत्र का विस्तृत अर्थ और महत्व इस प्रकार है: विस्तृत अर्थ: “नमस्त्यै शिवायै”इस हिस्से का अर्थ है “शिव की पत्नी पार्वती को नमन”। यहाँ पार्वती देवी, जो शिवजी की पत्नी हैं, उन्हें सम्मान और श्रद्धा प्रकट किया जा रहा है। पार्वती माता को हिन्दू धर्म

करवा चौथ के दिन इस मंत्र का जाप जरूर करें: Read More »

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