
इस्लामिक नवीन वर्ष: चिंतन आणि नूतनीकरणाचा काळ 

इस्लामिक नवीन वर्ष, हिजरी नवीन वर्ष किंवा इस्लामिक चंद्र नवीन वर्ष म्हणून देखील ओळखले जाते, हे इस्लामिक चंद्र कॅलेंडरमध्ये नवीन वर्षाची सुरुवात दर्शवते. हे इस्लामिक कॅलेंडरच्या पहिल्या महिन्याच्या, मुहर्रमच्या पहिल्या दिवशी सुरू होते, जो ग्रेगोरियन कॅलेंडरपेक्षा सुमारे 10-12 दिवस लहान आहे. परिणामी, इस्लामिक नवीन वर्षाची तारीख प्रत्येक वर्षी बदलते.  ऐतिहासिक महत्व  इस्लामी नव वर्ष इस्लामी […]

इस्लामिक नवीन वर्ष: चिंतन आणि नूतनीकरणाचा काळ  Read More »

Understanding Ravi Pushya Yoga: Significance and Benefits

In Hindu astrology, Ravi Pushya Yoga is a special time when Sunday (Ravi) coincides with the Pushya Nakshatra. This combination is considered very auspicious for starting new ventures and spiritual activities. What is Ravi Pushya Yoga? Ravi Pushya Yoga happens when the Pushya Nakshatra falls on a Sunday. Nakshatras are lunar constellations used in Vedic

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Best Reiki Healing In Indore Madhya Pradesh

Reiki Beyond Borders: How This Practice Is Changing Lives Worldwide 

In our busy world, many people are looking for ways to feel better and stay healthy. One popular method is Reiki, a type of energy healing that helps people relax, reduce stress, and feel good overall. This blog will explain what Reiki is and how it’s helping people all around the world.  What is Reiki? 

Reiki Beyond Borders: How This Practice Is Changing Lives Worldwide  Read More »

Celebrating Global Forgiveness Day: A Path to Healing and Harmony

In a world full of conflicts and misunderstandings, forgiveness shines as a symbol of hope and peace. Global Forgiveness Day, celebrated every year on July 7th, reminds us how powerful forgiveness can be in healing and creating harmony. This day encourages everyone, from individuals to nations, to see forgiveness as essential for personal and community

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No Moon Ancestral Healing and Remedies

Amavasya, also known as the No Moon Day holds significant importance in various cultures andspiritual practices. In Hinduism, Amavasya is considered a powerful day for ancestral healingand performing specific remedies to honor and seek blessings from our ancestors. This blogexplores the significance of Amavasya, how ancestral healing works, and the remediespracticed on this auspicious day.

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Harnessing Positivity: Techniques for Negative Energy Removal

Introduction In today’s busy world, negative energy can come from many places—stress at work, arguments with others, or even our environment. It’s important to notice and get rid of this negative energy to stay mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. This blog looks at easy ways to clear out negative energy and create a positive and

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Love and Compatibility: Astrological Insights for Relationships

Love is a complex emotion that often leaves us wondering about our compatibility with our partners. Astrology, the ancient practice of studying celestial bodies, offers unique insights into our relationships. By understanding astrological compatibility, we can better understand our connections and navigate the dynamics of love. In this blog, we will explore how different astrological

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The Significance and Benefits of Saffron Tilak / केसर तिलक का महत्व और लाभ.

Saffron, also called “Kesar” in Hindi, is a valued spice in Indian culture. It is used in cooking and has significant religious and medicinal purposes. One important use of saffron is the saffron tilak, a mark put on the forehead during religious and cultural ceremonies. This blog looks at the importance and benefits of the

The Significance and Benefits of Saffron Tilak / केसर तिलक का महत्व और लाभ. Read More »

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