

Citrine is associated with the Sacral, Solar Plexus, and the Crown Chakras. It attracts wealth, prosperity, success and radiates joy, wonder, and enthusiasm. Citrine helps in raising self-esteem and self-confidence. It stimulates the brain and strengthens the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity, and encourages self-expression. Healing Properties Citrine energizes every level of life and cleanses the […]

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The Tiger Eye is a powerful crystal that helps you release fear and anxiety and induce harmony and balance. It stimulates action and enables you to make decisions. Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing.Tiger eye gives you self-confidence and strength and enhances creativity, and balances the brain. It helps those

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Lapis Lazuli

This crystal resonates with the vibration of truth and enlightenment. It amplifies the opening of the Third Eye Chakra and stimulates the Pineal Gland. It is useful to gain control of anger and negative thoughts and eases frustrations.Lapis Lazuli creates a feeling of peace and harmony and brings you the gift of wisdom. It stimulates

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The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra i.e. Sahasrara Chakra is the 7th Chakra, which is the topmost of the “Chakra Ladder”. It connects us with the universe and the Divine Sources of Creation. Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head, at the top of the skull. Sahasrara is in close connection with spirituality and enlightenment. It

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The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra) is the 5th Chakra. As the Throat Chakra governs the mouth, tongue, and neck, it relates to communication and your ability to understand and speak your inner truth “purely”. When the Throat Chakra is in balance, we speak, listen, and express ourselves openly and authentically. Misalignment in the Throat Chakra gives

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The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra – Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra) is the 4th Chakra. It is located between body’s chest area, at the center near the heart and extends throughout the arms and hands. Balancing the Anahata chakra enhances Compassion, Love, Emotional security, Forgiveness and love towards all. Misalignments in this chakra gives rise to emotional issues, struggle

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The Solar Plexus

Functions:Confidence, Motivation, Purposeful, Reliable, Responsibility, Will Power, Self-Discipline, Self-assurance, Independence, Decision-making, etc. Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, will power and achievement, which radiates energy throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire and digestion, as well as with the sense of sight and the action of movement. Through

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