Rose quartz is a pink variation of clear quartz. It has traces of manganese and aluminum, silicon oxide, and hydrogen atoms.
Rose quartz stone is available in light pink to red color the deeper the color more expensive the is deeply associated with the heart chakra and throat chakra. It connects the heart chords with pure love.
This pale pink natural beauty is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace.
Healing properties of rose quartz…
It works wonders in Healing our soul body emotions and mental state as they connect to the heart chakra .in physical health we can prevent heart attacks and thrombosis in life as it improves blood circulation and ensure heart muscles are intact.
Rose quartz helps in cleansing the emotional state or helps in healing the negative vibrations and balancing our minds…
In existing relationships placing the rose quartz beside the bed will restore harmony and take away negative also increases fertility.
If you have a hectic household then rose quartz is said to be perfect for gently bringing calm to children.
Animals also respond well to rose quartz incredibly excellent for rescue animals.
Pointed pieces of the stone at workplace works ad barriers to any unwelcome intrusion.