Grab a Harmony Duo for mothers to be and women trying to conceive.
Unakite and rose quartz are referred to as the Harmony Duo. Designed for mothers-to-be and women trying to conceive, as well as those looking to harmonize their relationships. Unakite is one of the most well-known fertility stones. It promotes balance and has long been used as a fertility aid. Many recommend unakite for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.Rose quartz is known as the stone of universal love. Heart chakra paints your life with all the wonders of beauty and love and Rose quartz heals the heart chakra.
Stone Includes :-
2.Rose Quartz
Name: Unakite
Also known as: Stone of Vision
For: Balance, Grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together.
Fosters healthy relationships through balanced emotions
Wonderful for harmonizing & balancing the reproductive system
Helps to keep laboring women calm and centered
Must-have for aspiring moms.
Frequently utilized to help boost ovulation and provide maternal safety throughout childbirth.
Name: Rose Quartz
Also known as: The Heart Stone or the Stone of Unconditional Love
For: Unconditional Love, Compassion
Strengthening love or romantic relationships.
Encourages passion and intimacy
Controls disagreements and personal conflicts
promotes trust and harmony in relationships
eases stress with fertility and the female reproductive system
helps keep mother and baby safe from conception through infancy
enhances the mother/baby bond, both during pregnancy and after the birth
supports healing after labor and birth
Great stone for the Heart Chakra.
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